Which Rosconian Priestess would you like to do the Boiling Borscht first?
Whoa There! Before you can contact a Rosconian Priestess, we want to assess if you're the right kind of Supplicant
for these Hoogly Rosconian Priestesses. Please answer the following questions More or Less honestly
Warning, the Lord Roscoe will know!
Are you at least 14 years old? Younger men have been known to have fallen in to the Boiling Broscht and gotten Liquidated .
Whoa There! Before you can contact a Rosconian Priestess, we want to assess if you're the right kind of Supplicant
for these Hoogly Rosconian Priestesses. Please answer the following questions More or Less honestly
Warning, the Lord Roscoe will know!
How many Sins do you need reduction on ??
Whoa There! Before you can contact a Rosconian Priestess, we want to assess if you're the right kind of Supplicant
for these Hoogly Rosconian Priestesses. Please answer the following questions More or Less honestly
Warning, the Lord Roscoe will know!
Some of our Rosconian Priestesses are recent graduated or Roscoe Theogogical Seminary . Select your preferred Hot Borcht Ceremony: